Challenges & Opportunities: Miami’s Stakes Have Never Been Greater.


Miami stands at a pivotal moment. The city is capturing national and international attention for its arts, culture, dining, and sports scenes. Its economy and labor market are proving resilient even as other U.S. markets struggle. The world’s largest finance and technology companies are arriving and expanding here – from Citadel and Blackstone, to Microsoft and Apple. 

Yet the stakes have never been greater, as Schwartz Media Strategies President Tadd Schwartz wrote in the Miami Herald this time last year. 

Beneath Miami’s veneer of prosperity, significant challenges threaten the city’s long-term growth and sustainability. Too many people are unable to find affordable places to live. Traffic and congestion often bring entire neighborhoods to a halt. Soaring insurance rates are putting home ownership out of reach for most. A chronic teacher shortage is taking a toll on public school students. The entire region is one major hurricane away from prolonged disruption.

Given the strength of Miami’s brand and economy, it’s incumbent on our community to seize this moment by capitalizing on everything we’ve built to date. 

Over the coming months, our team at Schwartz Media Strategies will explore four priorities which are fundamental to setting Miami on a path to long-term viability. In doing so, we will shed light on tangible approaches to mitigating these challenges while seizing upon opportunities. 

  • Affordability — Floridians have historically been more cost-burdened than any other state and Miami is the epicenter of state’s affordability crisis. Next month, we will take a look at public and private sector solutions which are creating a pipeline of affordable and attainable housing. 
  • Education — Florida is the country’s sixth largest economy, and yet per capita school funding ranks twenty-sixth. Without a robust education system, corporate recruitment wanes and local talent markets fizzle over time. 
  • Climate — Florida is contending with rising sea levels and stronger hurricanes, posing significant risks to communities’ way of life. Novel infrastructure and water management solutions are key to ensuring Miami remains a viable destination for residents, visitors, and investors. 
  • Mobility — Miami’s transit dilemma is characterized by mounting traffic and a lack of efficient public transportation solutions. Several public and private sector projects now underway promise to ease the burden, but it will take time to see wholesale progress.

Miami’s business, government and civic leaders have an opportunity — an obligation, even — to look beyond the here and now by investing in our city’s future. 

Phrases like “global” and “world-class” have become everyday descriptors for Miami. The strength of our brand has gotten our city this far. Our focus must now shift to sustaining the momentum while addressing critical issues and creating a roadmap for the future. 

There has never been a more opportune time to invest in ourselves. 


